Copy Asbestos Component

Copy Asbestos Component is added to the Tasks tab when you create a new asbestos component.

To copy an asbestos component:

  1. Click the Copy Asbestos Component button in the Tasks panel.

    Copy Asbestos Component

    The Copy Asbestos Component window is displayed.

    Copy Asbestos Component window

  2. Enter details of the component to copy.

The fields on the Copy Asbestos Component window are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Location Description The asbestos location to copy.
Selection Whether the location is selected.

Whether to match to the existing component. Select from the following:

  • None - this is displayed when no component exists on the asbestos containing materials (ACM) being copied. A copy of the ACM will be created for the selected location.
  • Create component - this is displayed when a component attached to the ACM is being copied but no component exists at the selected location.  A copy of the ACM and a matching component will be created for the selected location.  The new component and asbestos will be linked.
  • Match to existing component - this is displayed when a component attached to the ACM is being copied and a similar component exists at the selected location. A copy of the ACM will be created and linked to the existing component at the selected location.
  • Do not create component - this is displayed when a component is attached to the ACM being copied.
  1. Click Next.

    The result of the copy process is displayed.

    Copy Asbestos Component results window

  2. Click Finish.

The asbestos component is copied and is can be searched.

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